The diet of the japanese: the secret of the beauty

All the matter in the diet, which speeds up the body's metabolism. The results of the diet of the japanese is retained for up to three years. Isn't this the dream of so many women?

A japanese diet is the

Have you ever noticed that all the japanese women are light in weight, and miniaturized. Are you there was a woman with too many kids in at the waist, it is almost impossible. Looking at the one on Saturday, one gets the feeling that the women in the land of the rising sun if you sit on a strict diet. The koreans actually sitting on a diet, they don't hide, just not continuously, as many do, and it's only one time in three years. The results of the diet of the japanese is retained for up to three years. Isn't this the dream of so many women?

For 13 days, that is, the number of days allowed to sit on such a diet, the body turns to. For some, over the course of 13 days, is it possible to re-define a 10-kg weight. For many, this may seem unlikely, but the japanese diet that actually brings results, if you adhere strictly to the rules. The diet is often referred to as "the salt no diet," because all of the 13-day, not consuming salt, sugar, alcohol and flour (pastry) of the product.

The diet was invented and developed in japan-nutrition. For a long time, doctors have perfected this method of weight loss. After many years of observation, have arrived at the following conclusions: after 13 days in the body is a complete overhaul of the body's metabolism, but the effect of the diet is maintained for up to 3 years without further effort, it should be noted. Important – in line with the process of healing, because the diet is very strict. The smaller the deviation nullifies all our efforts. It is not possible to change the order of the sequence in the use of food, and the replacement of goods from one to the other – what do you eat while on the diet, it depends on the restructuring of their metabolism. The diet of this diet is varied, so that the hungry do not have it. "The plan" combines products for a healthy and effective weight loss in a short time. This diet has advantages and disadvantages. Even though the award is the biggest yet!

At the time of black and green tea. Green tea – the most powerful anti-oxidant, it has a lot of vitamins And is considered to be a female, vitamin c, and Com. Have 13 days to forget about the salt and the sugar. Instead of salt, you can use a wide variety of spices and herbs instead of sugar and fruits, which are full of fructose. The figure is the main food of the japanese, therefore, that the diet, the japanese can not do without this cereal. The rice is in, each and every day in between breakfast, lunch and dinner, and in between, but the best thing about the brownish, polished, and has more fiber and vitamins.

the products of the diet of japan

The first day of

Japan did not agree to take in your breakfast, as a diet that does not amount to a hearty breakfast in the morning. You can drink a cup of natural black coffee, no sugar, sugar (may), with a slice of rye, or a loaf of bread with wheat bran. For lunch, you can eat two boiled eggs with lettuce, kale, collard greens, and cucumbers. After dinner, guests can enjoy a drink from the juice of plants, such as tomatoes and carrots. For dinner, be prepared for any time you fish (250 g), you can boil or saute in a small amount of oil. Before going to bed, drink a glass of yogurt.

The second day

The breakfast as all the days of the 13th, black coffee and rye bread, and a cookie. For lunch, be prepared for the fish or any other seafood. For the fish, make a salad of any fresh vegetables: tomato, cucumber, radish, pepper, a variety of vegetation. At a dinner of corn beef stew, with lemon and salt. Before I go to sleep – kefir or yogurt.

The third day

The breakfast in the morning with a cup of black coffee and a biscuit. Lunch – 1 zucchini-large, deep-fried in vegetable oil, or slices of the loops. Roasted squash can be sprinkled with. For dinner, cook 2 eggs in it. Back to the egg, fresh salad of cabbage with the olive oil. Before going to sleep, you can eat the boiled rice and then drink your kefir.

The fourth day of

Breakfast: a cup of black coffee or green tea. Dinner – 1 egg, 3 big casseroles of carrot with the oil, 20 grams of cheese-salt-solid varieties (you may want to make a salad, cut in cubes, carrots, and cheese, and sprinkle with vegetable oil). In the evening, all the fruit, except for bananas and grapes, and a sound mind.

Day five

Breakfast – black coffee and a raw carrot, seasoned with the juice of a lemon. Lunch – pan-fried, or cooked wheat, fish or seafood with a glass of tomato juice and lemon juice salad for dinner – all fresh fruit, except for bananas and grapes in moderation, and yogurt. At the dinner table, you can make a salad out of the fruits, and add it to the yogurt.

On the sixth day of

The breakfast in the morning with a cup of black coffee, 20 grams of cheese. Lunch – half a small cooked low-fat chicken without skin, carrot or coleslaw. At dinner – 200 grams of raw carrot, with the addition of a vegetable oil, a steam omelette of two eggs. Before going to sleep, a cup of yogurt.

The seventh-day

Breakfast – green tea or herbal tea without sugar in most cookie, lunch – 200 g boiled beef, and a small amount of fruit. For dinner – any choice, as the one proposed above, in addition to the dinner, and on the third day. Before going to sleep kefir.

The day

The breakfast in the morning with a cup of black coffee. For lunch, half a small, cooked, low-fat, chicken without skin, carrot or coleslaw. At dinner – 200 grams of raw carrot with the olive oil, and 2 boiled eggs.

The ninth day of

The breakfast in the morning, raw carrot, seasoned with the juice of a lemon. For lunch, 300 g of fish steamed or baked. Rice that has been cooked, it is better to light brown. A glass of freshly squeezed tomato juice. In the evening, all the fruit, except for bananas and grapes in moderation.

On the tenth day of the

The breakfast in the morning with a cup of black coffee and rye crackers. The breakfast of one egg, and 3 of the casseroles, large, carrots with olive oil, 20 g of the solid, without salt in the cheese. 10 days with no dinner, but before bedtime, you can drink the yogurt.

The eleventh day of

The breakfast in the morning with a cup of black coffee and a biscuit. For lunch-a great zucchini, fried in vegetable oil, in slices, or wedges, and garden salad with vegetables. Dinner: 2 boiled eggs, 200 g of boiled meat, fresh salad of cabbage with the olive oil.

The twelfth day of

The breakfast in the morning with a cup of black coffee and a biscuit. At lunch time – fish, wheat, baked, or grilled, salad, vegetables, and rice that has been cooked. Dinner – 100 g of boiled meat, and a salad. Before going to bed, 1 cup of yogurt.

The thirteenth day of

The breakfast in the morning with a cup of black coffee, and cheese. Dinner – 2 hard-boiled eggs, salad from the butt and cabbage with oil, a glass of freshly squeezed tomato juice. At the dinner – 250-300 g of boiled or grilled fish with a salad. Before bed-yogurt or kefir.

To establish the result of the diet of the japanese will need to smoothly and correctly on the "log out" link. 13 days with no candy, for someone who is so cruel, and yet, even so, do not skip the sweet and the salty. It will be a shame to spoil the result for you, because you resisted a whole-of-13 in the days of a strict diet, in order to please the self and to others, in order to be beautiful and eye-catching.